Kelly McCrimmon named VGK GM
The next general manager of the Golden Knights Kelly McCrimmon joins Gary Lawless and Dan D'Uva for an exclusive interview. How did the promotion come about? What was the impetus? How will things change in Vegas's front office? How did his relationship with George McPhee come about? Gary and Dan also examine McCrimmon's path in hockey from Saskatchewan to Brandon to Vegas, his family and personality, and what's on his agenda going forward.
The next general manager of the Golden Knights Kelly McCrimmon joins Gary Lawless and Dan D'Uva for an exclusive interview. How did the promotion come about? What was the impetus? How will things change in Vegas's front office? How did his relationship with George McPhee come about? Gary and Dan also examine McCrimmon's path in hockey from Saskatchewan to Brandon to Vegas, his family and personality, and what's on his agenda going forward.